The recommended quantity

Thanks to Ajanta Pharma and its preparation KAMAGRA Jelly, Ukrainian men can use this product in a late genus: as a gel for the duration of said consume, which is consumed directly from the bag or at hand dissolving it in any non-alcoholic beverage.

This built of the dose Kamagra Jelly as a gel has distinct advantages. Primary, it is the rapid sally of the effect, because the operative ingredient of the antidepressant is in a dispersed state. This allows kamagra online kaufen 24 JELE to shtick faster than its writing- counterpart. Secondly, patients who comprise dilemma swallowing pills and are non-objective against them liking single out a shreds gel. Definitely, the gel bod of the tranquillizer provides in behalf of distinctive ways to conduct it. In totalling, CAMAGRA Jelly has a delectable pineapple taste.

The peculiarities of using CAMAGRA JELLET be in touch to those well-known recompense any stimulant containing sildenafil. For standard, patients should consult a doctor in front of taking it, especially men with cardiovascular, hepatic or renal diseases and visual impairments (degenerative changes in the retina).

The recommended administer of the hallucinogenic is 1 sachet (50 mg sildenafil), which is enchanted yon 1 hour preceding intimacy. Understood efficacy and tolerability, the quantity can be increased to 100 mg, which is the highest recommended amount, and the maximum recommended frequency of administration is in olden days a day. The pursuit of sildenafil is best shown when winsome the tranquillizer on an discharge stomach. You should also avoid booze, as it may expanding the side effects.

Camagra Jelly:

acts post-haste — the top effect of sildenafil comes within 30-60 min, the commencement of the solidity is already palpable in 14 min (Pradma-Nathan H., 2003);

it works strongly — improvements were prominent by up to 85% of patients winsome sildenafil;

It works sustained reasonably — sildenafil works for up to 12 hours (Moncada I., 2004).

CAMAGRA JELE has a lecherous, long-lasting and competent enterprise, is spurt tolerated, of violent importance and affordable.

As a outcome of a clinical cramming carried antiquated at the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Lore and the Belgorod Organize as a replacement for Advanced Training of Physicians, tame scientists lead one to believe that the pharmaceutical CAMAGRA JELE should also be in use accustomed to to wine vascular disorders of the genital system, as this drug causes an escalation in the linear velocity of arterial purl to the manful genital organs — prostate, testicles, penis. This indicates a vasculogenic essence of captivating CAMAGRA JELE on the virile genital routine and auspicious use in case of such diseases of the genital way as long-lasting prostatitis and excretory infertility, which desire convalescence of the shire magazine blood flow.

CAMAGRA JELE is designed to refrain from patients regain their «manfulness» and feel the fullness and exhilaration of living!

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